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Retiro de mulheres Chapada dos Veadeiros jan 25.jpg

Quantum Feminine Healing Retreat
Womens Retreat in Chapada dos Veadeiros

Temple of the Divine Spark

©2022 All Rights Reserved.

Alto Paraíso/GO.

About the Retreat

In this retreat we will work on liberation and happiness through trauma cleansing.

There are traumas that we carry from this and other lives that need to be identified and cleared to allow a new healthy energy to settle in the lives and experiences of each of us.

Trauma acts unconsciously, maintaining repetition of patterns and unpleasant experiences in everyday life.

Many women go through abusive experiences of mistreatment, harassment, sexual abuse in childhood or adulthood, leaving a very negative energetic record, which usually manifests itself in the form of disease or anomaly in the female reproductive system, panic syndrome, depression, decreased of libido, guilt and other negative states.

Trauma manifests itself in harmful situations and scenes in everyday life due to the record that is recorded in the spirit, DNA and physical body.

The lack of pleasure and self-esteem, for example, can be records of a trauma that makes the person not feel worthy of experiencing pleasure and satisfaction. It is necessary to investigate and cure this aspect.

There are women, and men too, who say that love choices are always disastrous, with partner disappointment and displeasure in partners. This repetition of a harmful pattern is caused by records of difficulty and pain that need to be cleared and understood before moving on to the next partner, so that situations do not repeat.

The woman accumulates in the region of the lower abdomen all the energy of sex and of the partner who is having a relationship. Mistreatment, depreciation, humiliation, suffering, sadness, excessive alcohol, drugs… all this is passed on to the woman as dense energy that can cause illness, negative feelings and thoughts, sadness, lack of joy in living.

Therefore, the need for energetic cleansing so that traumas are healed and no longer exert power in their personal and loving choices.

Thousands of people are being healed and awakened to a new consciousness with the knowledge and practices of the founder of the Temple of the Divine Spark Michelle-Otene All the knowledge she brings from Egypt, India, Machu Picchu, Siberia, Greece and Kazakhstan.

We will have the following activities:

✅Energy yoga and meditation;

✅ Meditation;

✅ Massages;

✅ Psychoenergetic defense and protection practice;

✅ Tours to the waterfalls;

✅ Quantum healing and diagnosis of the sacred feminine;

✅ Ritual of cleansing and energy cutting with previous relationships that did not honor your sacred feminine;

✅The seven levels of exchange and attunement with the partner, to create a passionate and stable union;

✅Sacred dance of purification what are the qualities of a man worthy of your love;

✅ Getting in energetic contact with the different female roles, awakening the Goddess state;

✅ Techniques to attract success and financial prosperity;

✅Purification, cleaning and healing fire.

✅ Shows every night of music for the soul and music therapy


The package includes:


✅ Round trip transfer from Brasília airport to Alto Paraíso;

✅ Vegetarian food (vegetables straight from the garden).

Temple Centelha Divina takes you to Chapada dos Veadeiros in Alto Paraíso/Goiás.

Michelle Ot Ene


Founder of the Temple of the Divine Spark, Affective Spiritual Coach that aims to understand and balance feminine and masculine energies, individually and in marital relationships.

Specialist in developing personalized programs for an integral and healthy lifestyle. 

Guide for Feminine Traditions, helping women to achieve success, flexibility, balance and rejuvenation.

He acquired his professional training and spiritual knowledge in several schools in sacred places such as: India, Egypt, Machu Picchu, Greece, Siberia, Kazakhstan and others.

What People Are Saying About Our Retreats

The Centelha Divina Temple in Chapada was inaugurated on April 7, 2018 by the Indian Master and quantum physicist,Amit GosvamiandMichelle Ot Eneits founder to carry out a spiritual retreat.

The Temples mission is to elevate peoples state of consciousness through the realization that we are all brothers, regardless of race, color and religion, the divine is in everything and everyone.🇧🇷

A place with ecological architecture, rivers, mountains and agroforestry. In front of the environmental preservation area, with waterfalls and wild animals and rare vegetation.

The cabins are eco-friendly built from Adobe, comfortable and have a private bathroom. We have a hall to accommodate 300 people and there is a very nice place for food.

Want to know more?
Fill in the form below and well be in touch!

Como deseja ser contactado(a) pela nossa equipe?
Depoimento Janaina de Florianópolis - Retiro de Gestores na Chapada dos Veadeiros
Depoimento Casal Templo da Centelha Divina
Depoimento Juliana - Retiro de Gestores na Chapada dos Veadeiros
Depoimento Rose   Retiro de Gestores   Chapada dos Veadeiros
Depoimento Janaina do Rio de Janeiro - Retiro de Gestores na Chapada dos Veadeiros
Depoimento Cristina Kelly  - Templo da Centelha Divina
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